Simone & Brandon’s Savannah Wedding


July 7, 2022

This was the first (and only, for now 😉 ) out of state wedding i have ever shot. I met up with Simone & Brandon in Savannah, Georgia last year. I just had to go back and check the date, and it was almost a year ago exactly. They got married on 7/8/21. This time exactly a year ago i was packing to go to the airport in the morning. I dragged one of my best friends along for the trip and we got stuck in Philadelphia’s airport for like 6 hours. Oh, and when we got to Savannah there was a tropical storm or something happening and it was pouring and we were walking around in ponchos trying to find which bar made the best old fashioneds and find something to eat. We met up with Brandon & Simone at a bar the night before the wedding and had a few drinks and hung out for a few minutes before i decided i was exhausted and needed to get some rest if i didn’t want to be a major POS the next day. Brandon & Simone stayed out for a while though.. just one of the many reasons why they are my kind of people.

I woke up the next morning and walked around the area that i was staying in. I found a cute coffee shop and had breakfast and popped in a few local shops. The hotel that they were staying at was only about a block away, and i had time to kill. I met them there when they were getting ready. And everything was super laid back. My favorite part of documenting weddings is seeing how different every couple chooses to do it. Don’t get me wrong.. i love the crazy, huge weddings. But there is something about the small, intimate ones that has my heart. Mostly, i just like to see people celebrate their love however feels right to them. They got ready in separate rooms at the hotel. We did a first look at the hotel. Then we went to this cute, tiny park with 1 little gazebo where we met all their closest family and friends. Just as the ceremony was about to begin it started to pour. So we all stood together under the little gazebo. And Simone held her baby boy, Coda during the whole thing. They invited me to the small reception they were having with the handful of family and friends that joined them to celebrate. And it was perfect, and intimate, and sweet. And i may or may not have cried tears of happiness on my walk back to my hotel that night.

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