
My obsession with documenting my own life has led me to helping others document theirs as well. I strongly believe that capturing who we are, at every stage in life, matters.

I often wonder, "what do we leave behind when we are ghosts, if not the memories we manage to preserve?"
This is why I do what I do.

When I drive through the old country roads during sunset I know it's not much, but sometimes I can’t help but to pull over and gasp at the grandeur of it. In a way I think it just feels nostalgic, and I enjoy that feeling.

My interest in capturing moments in time started young. 

My friends often ask me what happened to all the photos we took in our adolescence and I wish I knew about the importance of printing your photos back then… but most of those digital files have been lost with time. 

Hey, I'm Giovanna. But everyone calls me Gigi. I grew up in New Castle, PA. And unless you’re from the area- you probably don’t know much about it.

It’s a small town. There isn’t much to do and there aren’t many distractions. I grew up surrounded by open fields and not much else. It taught me to appreciate peace. And it taught me to appreciate the beauty of even the simplest things.

Hey, I'm Giovanna. But everyone calls me Gigi. I grew up in New Castle, PA. And unless you’re from the area- you probably don’t know much about it. 
It’s a small town. There isn’t much to do and there aren’t many distractions. I grew up surrounded by open fields and not much else. It taught me to appreciate peace. And it taught me to appreciate the beauty of even the simplest things.

When I drive through the old country roads during sunset I know it's not much, but sometimes I can’t help but to pull over and stare. In a way I think it just feels nostalgic, and I enjoy that feeling. 

I'm a person, not a brand.

My interest in capturing moments in time started young. 

My friends often ask me what happened to all the photos we took in our adolescence and I wish I knew about the importance of printing your photos back then… but most of those digital files have been lost with time. 

My obsession with documenting my own life has led me to helping others document theirs as well. I strongly believe that capturing who we are, at every stage in life, matters.

I often wonder, "what do we leave behind when we are ghosts, if not the memories we manage to preserve?"
This is why I do what I do.

I focus on capturing the way you connect with those you love. And my goal is to always do it in a way that feels authentic and true to you. Because no two people, couples, or families are the same. My goal is to create an experience that resonates with you personally. To be the proof you can look back at 50 years from now that reminds you that the love you shared was real. 

to me, it's deeper than capturing a photo that looks good on instagram.

Some days, I still can't believe I get to do what I love for a living. Helping my clients preserve their legacies, building a life that allows me to do things that actually leave me fulfilled. It's honestly the best feeling.


I was working a 9-5 job that I couldn't stand and fantasized daily about quitting my job to go full time with my photography business (which was a side hustle back then). In May 2021, I finally made the leap and it was hands down the BEST decision I've ever made.


In high school I was finally able to take some photography classes. My mom used her tax return to gift me my first DSLR camera and I put it to use by shooting some of my friends' senior photos and eventually my first wedding at 19.


I got my first digital camera for Christmas when I was 14. It was pink and I took it everywhere with me. I quickly fell in love with documenting life and spent my days taking photos of my brothers and friends.


My mom got me a Polaroid camera with Barbie-themed film. I remember the instant gratification that came with the memory instantly being tangible. That’s where my love for photography started.


My story went a bit like this...

What's meant to be will be

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